A downloadable project for Windows

You need have a token for discord bot, and create it

What you need for create discord bot? You need to open disccord developer portal(discord.com/developers/applications) and create there a new application. After you need create bot(button under general information). After you need make o role for him(better administrator). And go to url - https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?&client_id=ClientID&scope=bot&permissions=permissionofbot (ClientID - id of general information, and permissionofbot it permission what you enter early). After  you must choose the server when stay bot. It all!

Then in informations of you can see token, after click button copy and it all!

after with start discord bot, you enrer token and bot say to you when he come.


discord_bot.exe 7.9 MB

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